Colour by Block Version

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Block Library Add / Update Links Colour by Spec Status Colour by Block Version Reset Colour Drawing Check Redefine Superseded Blocks from the Specs & Standards Website Redefine Selected Blocks from the Specs & Standards Website Redefine Blocks with Drawings in a Local Folder Configure Export Settings Assign Departments to Polyline(s) Export Quantities to a selected Project Remove Existing Departments From Polyline(s) Apply a Set of Standard Parameters to Blocks Create a JPEG Thumbnail Image Help Display the IconCAD Version Number IconCAD Add-In for AutoCADĀ®

This routine colours Blocks in the current drawing according to their version as published on the Specs & Standards website. 'Current' Blocks change to Yellow, 'Superseded' to Red and 'Deleted' to Grey. When a Block is first uploaded to the Specs & Standards website, its version will be 1. Then each time the Block is re-uploaded the version number is incremented by 1. Usually an incremented version number indicates that changes that have been made to the geometry of the Block. The 'Deleted' status is used to identify Blocks that used to be attached to a Specs & Standards item, but which have subsequently been removed from the item.

Please note that the Block Version number is completely separate from the corresponding Specs & Standards item Version number that the Block relates to. You should not confuse the two.

Important Note: If you have opened up an existing AutoCAD drawing, it is quite possible that the Specification or Blocks on the Specs & Standards website will have been changed since you last worked on the drawing. To ensure you are getting the correct results, it is best to re-run the Add / Update Links routine before running this routine. This will ensure that the information held in the Blocks is up to date so that this routine is able to deliver the correct results.

Detailed Functionality

First the routine checks the current drawing space, if it is Paper Space the user is prompted to switch to Model Space before re-running the routine. Next a check is made to see if any of the Blocks in the drawing currently have their colours set as per the Colour by Spec Status or Colour by Block Version routines, if this is the case the user is asked to run the Reset Colour routine before running this routine again.

If the initial checks are passed, the routine proceeds to check each Block placed in the drawing to see if it has a specific colour applied to it. Any that do have their colour stored in the ICONSYSTEMBLOCKCOLOUR attribute, ready for use by the Reset Colour routine.

Next the routine proceeds to check each Block in the drawing's Block listing to see if it contains an ICONSYSTEMBLOCKSTATUS attribute. With those that do, the value of the attribute is used to determine what colour to change any Blocks that are placed the drawing to. There are three Block Status options:

  • Current i.e. the latest version of the Block. Matching Blocks will be changed to Yellow (colour no. 50) and linetype 'Continuous'
  • Superseded i.e. where a newer version of the Block has been published on the Specs & Standards website. Matching Blocks will be changed to Red (colour no. 240) and linetype 'Continuous'
  • Deleted i.e., where a Block was previously attached to an item published on the Specs & Standards website, but has subsequently been removed from the item. Matching Blocks will be changed to Grey (colour no. 253) and linetype 'Continuous'

Version History

1.13 - 17/08/17Added IconSystem to list of blocks to be ignored
1.12 - 30/03/17: Block download authentication added; minor fix to reporting
1.11 - 14/07/16
: Added identification of Deleted Blocks
1.10 - 21/06/16
: Revised to separate specification versions from Block versions and to only colour Blocks relating to the currently configured website. Layer states are now saved when the routine starts, then restored when it completes.
1.09 - 17/06/16
: Updated storing and restoring of AutoCAD variables
1.08 - 14/06/16
: Now storing any specific Block colours prior to colouring
1.07 - 10/06/16: Implemented a rule that the drawing must be in Model Space before the routine will run
1.06 - 06/06/16
: Reworked process for ignoring Blocks. The routine now ignores hatch, xrefs, Block created from bound xrefs, cut and pasted Blocks (i.e. where the name begins with A$), any Block name beginning with an underscore, any Block name beginning with TerminatorO and / or DimBlks.
1.05 - 27/05/16
: Added automatic creation of Entity Selection Sets. Refer to separate Item Selector help page for details
1.04 - 19/05/16
1.03 - 05/05/16
: Timer and counter added. Revised to only work with Blocks in the current space (i.e. paper space / model space). Added setting of FILLMODE to 0 so that hatch is hidden making it easier to see the colour of Blocks containing solid hatch.
1.02 - 18/04/16
: Changed to work with new ICONSYSTEMBLOCKSTATUS attribute
1.01 - 04/03/16
: Reduced reporting
1.00 - 26/01/16: Initial version.