1.24 - 26/08/17: ICONSYSTEMBLOCKLOCATON Attribute Added
1.23 - 17/08/17: Added IconSystem to list of blocks to be ignored
1.22 - 03/07/17: Forced update of ICONSYSTEMCLASSIFICATION attribute.
1.21 - 30/03/17: Block download authentication added; minor fix to reporting
1.20 - 04/10/16: Minor tweak
1.19 - 14/07/17: Added identification of Deleted blocks
1.18 - 21/06/16: Revised to separate specification versions from Block versions. Layer states are now saved when the routine starts, then restored when it completes.
1.17 - 17/06/16: Updated storing and restoring of AutoCAD variables
1.16 - 10/06/16: Now adding the ICONSYSTEMBLOCKCOLOUR attributes to Blocks
1.15 - 06/06/16: Reworked process for ignoring Blocks. The routine now ignores hatch, xrefs, Block created from bound xrefs, cut and pasted Blocks (i.e. where the name begins with A$), any Block name beginning with an underscore, any Block name beginning with TerminatorO and / or DimBlks
1.14 - 25/05/16: Reworked process for identifying superseded Blocks
1.12 - 14/05/16: Revised so that information relating to all Blocks is requested and returned from the Specs & Standards website in one process, the results of which are then used to determine which Block(s) to update
1.11 - 03/05/16: Timer and additional reporting added
1.10 - 20/04/16: Added prompt to check the Internet connection in situations where responses from the Specs & Standards website are taking a long time
1.09 - 13/04/16: Updated the check to see that the Add-In is logged in to a Specs & Standards site before proceeding
1.08 - 11/04/16: Temporarily, until Autodesk updates its .dwg translator engine, changed the Domain Name Attributes from Constant to Invisible so that the IconOrbit online viewer will work
1.07 - 06/04/16: Replaced the delay introduced in v1.04 with a loop which waits until the data to be returned from webserver before proceeding
1.06 - 14/03/16: Revised to add an ICONSYSTEM attribute to Blocks so that the Drawing Check routine can use it
1.05 - 03/03/16: Minor speed improvement made by revising the routine so it skips the checking process with pasted Blocks, i.e. those whose names begin with A$. Note that hatch Blocks, those beginning with an asterisk, were already being ignored
1.04 - 29/02/16: Added a 1,000 millisecond delay after the request has been sent to the IconSystem website to allow results to be returned before the routine proceeds
1.03 - 25/02/16: Changed the hyperlink descriptions to match the name of the item in Specs & Standards
1.02 - 10/02/16: Completed the adding and populating of attributes
1.01 - 09/02/16: Hyperlink to item datasheet added
1.00 - 09/12/15: Initial version.