This routine runs a series of commands imposing a level of consistency to block drawings before they are uploaded to a Block Library on one of Icon's Specs & Standards websites.
This routine runs a series of commands imposing a level of consistency to block drawings before they are uploaded to a Block Library on one of Icon's Specs & Standards websites.
The routine goes through the following process:
1.22 - 26/10/18: Added check to see if there's a block as the same name as the drawing in the drawing
1.21 - 17/08/17: Added IconSystem to list of blocks to be ignored
1.20 - 03/10/16: Added creation of a script file listing drawings containing nested blocks which can then be used to redefine the nested blocks; added a 'Super Purge' for AutoCAD 2017
1.19 - 25/06/16: All entities now have Elevation and Thickness set to 0
1.18 - 16/06/16: Additional minor amendments to client specific functionality
1.17 - 15/06/16: Minor amendments to client specific functionality
1.16 - 06/06/16: Reworked process for ignoring Blocks. The routine now ignores hatch, xrefs, Block created from bound xrefs, any Block name beginning with an underscore, any Block name beginning with TerminatorO and / or DimBlks.
1.15 - 25/05/16: Added a check to delete any existing IconSystem* attributes so that they (specifically IconSystemBlockVersion) do not confuse the Add / Update Links routine. Any / all existing hyperlinks are also now removed.
1.13 - 30/03/16: Stopped the changing of hatch to colour ByBlock and forces the change of any Hatch that's coloured ByBlock, to ByLayer
1.12 - 22/03/16: Stopped the changing of ATTDEFs to colour ByBlock
1.11 - 21/03/16: Stopped the changing of TEXT and MTEXT to colour ByBlock
1.10 - 21/03/16: Added feature to list nested Blocks to a text file of the same name as the drawing
1.09 - 14/03/16: Now changing LineTypes that were Continuous to ByLayer
1.08 - 24/02/16: Added full path .txt files and Delete PaperSpace Layouts feature
1.07 - 20/11/15: Added Extents Report.txt. Only change entities that are coloured ByLayer to ByBlock
1.06 - 06/03/12: Changing colour to ByBlock
1.05 - 14/09/11: IconSystem Version!
1.04 - 28/08/08: Added in INSUNITS.